Welcome To TIER

Two boys working in an factory. The photo is from D. Napier & Son Ltd, 'Aero Engine in the Making', from England, circa 1918

The Imaginary Engine Review is a new project from editors Grace Benfell and Phoenix Simms. Monthly, we cover one game or a set of games from a single developer in a series of critical essays. You can read more about our goals and intentions on our about page. In short, we want to build a sustainable website (and newsletter) for criticism for the margins and by the margins.

We are independently funded by readers and you can support us by subscribing to our newsletter right on this website or funding us on Patreon.

Supporting us will help us feed a lot of ambitions: Publishing poetry, fiction, and book reviews alongside criticism. Interviews with artists, other critics, and developers. Physical zine copies of each issue. Maybe even, god forbid, a podcast. But before we get to any of that, we want to build a sustainable, inventive, joyful, and killjoy website that will be around for ages to come.

So, have a seat. Pull up to the fire. Soak in the paintings on the wall. Smell the book in your hands. Read on.

Grace Benfell

Grace Benfell

Grace is a forever cranky freelance writer who has written for Paste Magazine, GameSpot, Vice, Bulletpoints Monthly, [lock-on], among many others. She co-edits TIER.